I AM AN ADDICT *I take a breath* Boy, that was vulnerable and there is a ton of shame and blame that goes with that statement, even now. I have always known I have an addictive personality. I obsess over the smallest thing, for example: right now, I have TWO pkgs of cayenne pepper open […]
I heard a story once from one of my mentors. We were discussing “normal”. She frequently visited the States, as that is where her family lived, and she remembered her first Thanksgiving. The smell of turkey filled the warm home, cozy spices made their way into the linens and fresh apple pie sat cooling on […]
“Let’s GO CAMPING!!!” said no mother who stopped to think about it EVER. Ok – maybe that’s just me. Let’s run this through the JOYFILTER (this is a thing) – copious amounts of work to load and unload the RV, cooking, cleaning, watching kids who have death wishes and adventurous spirits, cleaning, meal prep, fighting […]