“I’m happy with myself where I am at, I have accepted who I am. I call Bullshit. Straight. Up. Bullshit. Even competators who have just won trophies (who have the “perfect bodies” tonge in cheek) say things like – I’m so happy with the way I came in, I cant wait to build more legs, […]
What went wrong?? Often, we question our parenting as our kids do silly, non-sensical things. They put the plastic containers on the Barbeque, they scrub the T-fal pan with the SOS, they do things that we shake our heads at and say “That’s just common sense! How did you miss the GENE?” I remember watching […]
I AM AN ADDICT *I take a breath* Boy, that was vulnerable and there is a ton of shame and blame that goes with that statement, even now. I have always known I have an addictive personality. I obsess over the smallest thing, for example: right now, I have TWO pkgs of cayenne pepper open […]
I haven’t written… As I sit and go through the reasons, they are all excuses, because I have written, I have just not posted … I have composed multiple writings. … Here is the thing: after the last entry there were some private messages exchanged from a number of people and some VERY negative self […]
It’s been a while coming, but here are some before and after photos – At My Largest I was consuming 500- 900 Calories a day and I was approximately 188+ LBS I have a super messy story that is layered not only with intertwining stories but also perceptions of reality that are open to interpretation. […]
The Gifts My mom passed away in 2007; it was not quick and it was not painless. She left me a legacy of love and strength. She left an example of determination and stubbornness with a healthy side of crazy. Over the years since she has been gone, I have come to love, understand and […]