“I’m happy with myself where I am at, I have accepted who I am. I call Bullshit. Straight. Up. Bullshit. Even competators who have just won trophies (who have the “perfect bodies” tonge in cheek) say things like – I’m so happy with the way I came in, I cant wait to build more legs, […]
Recently my husband Mike, needed to move his project truck out of the storage space. We realized about 10ft into this adventure that he had blown a fuse and his power windows, signal lights and break lights were all off line. We should have had it towed or at the very least fixed it before we moved […]
My daughters have taught me more than I sometimes care to admit. Sometimes just helping them resolve something in their lives teaches me something about mine – I cant be alone here, I’m pretty sure other moms have had the same experience. Some lessons I TRULY get as I teach them, and the following is […]