Happy blue Monday!! Now there is an oxymoron! Here we are a month into the new year and your life is in this perpetual sate destined to repeat the same patterns, Same $hit different day. This is the day that the holidays are truly at an end, the credit cards bills are rolling in and […]
I AM AN ADDICT *I take a breath* Boy, that was vulnerable and there is a ton of shame and blame that goes with that statement, even now. I have always known I have an addictive personality. I obsess over the smallest thing, for example: right now, I have TWO pkgs of cayenne pepper open […]
This is a joke in our home, and it never seems to get old. We use it as we explain ADD / ADHD behavior, getting distracted, or rediscovering something. For me that’s movies – I forget movies almost immediately after the credits roll and I get up from my seat- and I can be very […]
The cookies went around the circle. It was 2 o’clock, and I was hitting what I call “the wall”. I could sure use the sugar; my mood was dipping, my energy slipping … and they were these Digestive cookies with the chocolate on top. I used to have them when I was a kid. We […]
Mike and I recently sat and had filthy martinis in Golden, BC (OK, I did – he had a beer). Overlooking the river, we toasted our 18 years together, 12 years married, and I can’t help but think back. Mike doesn’t like to … he tries to get as far away from that time as […]
It’s been a while coming, but here are some before and after photos – At My Largest I was consuming 500- 900 Calories a day and I was approximately 188+ LBS I have a super messy story that is layered not only with intertwining stories but also perceptions of reality that are open to interpretation. […]
Like many people I have a list of things “TO DO”. I lovingly refer to it as “My Dinosaur” A wise woman once asked me: and how do you eat a Dinosaur? One bite at a time. Every day I take a bite. Sometimes I bite off more than I can chew – and I […]