What went wrong?? Often, we question our parenting as our kids do silly, non-sensical things. They put the plastic containers on the Barbeque, they scrub the T-fal pan with the SOS, they do things that we shake our heads at and say “That’s just common sense! How did you miss the GENE?” I remember watching […]
Recently my husband Mike, needed to move his project truck out of the storage space. We realized about 10ft into this adventure that he had blown a fuse and his power windows, signal lights and break lights were all off line. We should have had it towed or at the very least fixed it before we moved […]
I’m a Mary-Kay Kid, my moms slogan was “Fake it till you make it”. She used this in response to feeling of inadequacy in every situation, so like a good mom I passed on the wisdom. She drove a Cadillac for awhile so I figured she got something right. When my girls were afraid of […]
My daughters have taught me more than I sometimes care to admit. Sometimes just helping them resolve something in their lives teaches me something about mine – I cant be alone here, I’m pretty sure other moms have had the same experience. Some lessons I TRULY get as I teach them, and the following is […]
I was asked to provide some of the notes from my speech at Womanition – Here it is with all the spelling and grammatical errors included: I am going to take a moment – and I invite you to take a breath with me and just appreciate this exact moment in time, come into this […]
Mike and I recently sat and had filthy martinis in Golden, BC (OK, I did – he had a beer). Overlooking the river, we toasted our 18 years together, 12 years married, and I can’t help but think back. Mike doesn’t like to … he tries to get as far away from that time as […]
All the lights faded, trophies had been given out, and I sat there … the crescendo of all my thoughts and emotions crashing down on me … I had just completed what felt like the longest prep season ever for a competition that I didn’t even want to be in … and … I sat […]
Submit to your husband! *Warning: contains content that may offend* Over lunch the other day my girlfriends and I were talking about some of our childhood programming – what defines us as good wives, mothers, friends and, ultimately, WOMEN. This group of ladies has been such an inspiration that I am sorting my thoughts out […]
Mom, today is your birthday… I am remembering your smile, the way you hysterically laughed at your own jokes, the way your lips pursed when you were upset, and the way only your bottom teeth were visible when you talked when you were really mad. Or your face that time when you danced with the […]
I haven’t written… As I sit and go through the reasons, they are all excuses, because I have written, I have just not posted … I have composed multiple writings. … Here is the thing: after the last entry there were some private messages exchanged from a number of people and some VERY negative self […]